Yorkshire, with its rolling hills, picturesque villages, and warm-hearted locals, is a region teeming with unique character. Part of what makes Yorkshire special is its rich and vibrant dialect, complete with a colorful array of words and sayings that locals use to add charm and humor to their conversations. In this article, we'll explore 50 delightful Yorkshire slang words and sayings, offering a glimpse into the linguistic treasures of this beloved county.
Greetings and Expressions:
1. Ey up - A friendly Yorkshire greeting similar to "Hello" or "Hi there."
2. 'Ow do? - Another way to say "How do you do?" or "How are you?"
3. Ta - A common abbreviation for "thank you."
4. Ta-ra - A casual way of saying "goodbye."
5. 'Ow's it goin'? - A friendly inquiry about how someone is doing.
6. Nee-boddah - Yorkshire's version of "nobody" or "no one."
7. Nowt - A word meaning "nothing."
8. Ginnel - A narrow alleyway or passage between buildings.
9. Scran - Food or a meal.
10. Brew - A cup of tea.
People and Character:
11. Tyke - A term affectionately used to describe a Yorkshire person.
12. Lad/Lass - A boy or a girl, often used to refer to young people.
13. Champion - A compliment, meaning "great" or "excellent."
14. Mardy - To be in a grumpy or sulky mood.
15. Daft as a brush - A playful way of describing someone as silly or foolish.
16. Nobbut a lad/lass - Expressing that someone is still young or inexperienced.
17. Luv - A term of endearment used for both men and women.
18. Reet grand - Means "absolutely splendid" or "excellent."
19. Tosser - A light-hearted insult, implying someone is a bit foolish.
20. Soft lad/lass - Used to describe someone who is a bit naive or easily influenced.
Weather and Nature:
21. Summat - Yorkshire slang for "something."
22. Reet bonnie - A compliment describing something as particularly beautiful or attractive.
23. Fettle - In good health or condition.
24. Mizzle - A fine misty rain or drizzle.
25. Snap - A packed lunch or a meal to take on the go.
26. T'foot o' our stairs - Refers to the bottom of the stairs in a house.
27. T'owd mon - The old man, often referring to one's father or an elderly gentleman.
28. Gaffer - The boss or someone in charge.
29. Wensleydale - A famous cheese from the region.
30. Laikin' - Playing or having fun.
Expressions of Surprise and Disbelief:
31. Eeh by gum - An exclamation of surprise or astonishment.
32. Bloomin' 'eck - Similar to "Oh my goodness" or "Goodness me."
33. Flippin' 'eck - A mild expression of surprise or shock.
34. Well, I'll go to t'foot of our stairs - An expression of utter disbelief.
35. Gadzooks - An archaic exclamation of surprise or astonishment.
36. 'Ecky thump - An exclamation used to express surprise or disbelief.
Food and Drink:
37. Chuddy - Gum or chewing gum.
38. Barm cake - A soft bread roll, often used for sandwiches.
39. T'ale - A shortened form of "the ale," meaning a pint of beer.
40. Eeh bah gum, it's reet good - A
compliment about delicious food or a tasty meal.
41. T'brew - Yorkshire slang for a cup of tea.
42. Nosh - Food or a meal.
43. Ginnin' o'er a glass o' bitter - Referring to someone who's laughing heartily over a pint of beer.
44. Nettled - To be thirsty.
45. Haver - To talk nonsense or to chatter aimlessly.
46. Boggart - A mischievous ghost or spirit.
47. Midden - A messy or untidy place.
48. Put wood in't 'ole - Close the door (often said to prevent a draft).
49. Mither - To bother or pester someone.
50. Nowt so queer as folk - An expression meaning "people are strange" or "there's no accounting for taste."
Yorkshire slang is a testament to the county's rich cultural heritage and strong sense of community. This delightful lexicon adds a distinctive charm to conversations and embodies the warmth and friendliness for which Yorkshire is known. Embracing these 50 unique words and sayings offers a window into the heart of this captivating region and allows us to appreciate the wit, humor, and character of its people. So, the next time you find yourself in Yorkshire, don't be afraid to join in the chatter and fully immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Yorkshire slang. You'll soon find yourself feeling reet at home!